Beit Midrash Summer Learning
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 • 17 Tammuz 5784
6:30 PM - 8:45 PMChapelIf you enjoyed Seekers with Rabbi Nico this year and/or are interested in deepening your knowledge about Judaism this summer, Rabbi Michael will help us study in a Beit Midrash, focusing on learning how to decode the language of The Mishnah as well as helping us build our Jewish literacy framework through the historical lens of the Jewish Story.
While much of the work will be discussion-based in havrutas, it will also require about an hour’s worth of study or viewing/listening at home each week. Knowledge of Hebrew letters and vowel markings is a prerequisite.
Attending the whole series is encouraged, but dropping in for individual sessions when you are available is allowed for this learning opportunity - please join!
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Tue, February 11 2025 13 Sh'vat 5785