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SALTY Board Positions

Our Positions:

Read about all of the position details below! Interested teens are invited to contact the current office-holders to learn more about the SALTY board positions - emails to the officers are listed with the position details below. Then return to the SALTY Youth Group main page. 


CONTACT: Email the current officeholder at

ELIGIBILITY: The President must have been an active member of the youth group board during the prior school year. Eligible candidates must be rising 10th, 11th or 12th graders who are committed to enrolling in JET or Confirmation during the current school year, or have completed Confirmation.


  • Participate in regular meetings (in person or via the internet) with current youth advisor (1x/month). Establish 3-4 personal leadership goals with advisors for growth and development; these goals should be discussed with advisors in one-on-one meetings.
  • Create an agenda for each meeting that will be approved by the advisors. Oversee and preside over youth group board meetings (1x/month).
  • Oversee a check-in via text every other week with each board member to get an update on progress in their areas. Oversee check-ins (in person or via the internet) with all the other board roles, approximately 2x/year: this will include check-ins on the jobs, follow through, and how the role is being developed.
  • When a task is incomplete and the assigned role needs additional support, it will fall on the President to assign the work elsewhere, whether that is on themselves or on another board member.
  • Work with the Past President in the planning of the initial Board Retreat in Summer. Oversee the bonding of the board and the creation of an organizational b’rit – covenant. Work with the youth board in establishing 3-4 goals to be accomplished as a board during the school year, and developing an implementation plan.
  • Represent the youth board within Shir Hadash and the community, including attending one congregation Board of Directors meeting and making a 10-15 minute presentation.
  • Represent the youth group on relevant committees throughout the congregation. [The President may appoint the Past President to serve in this community liaison role as well.]
  • Oversee all teen programs and activities.
  • Help recruit new members and promote upcoming events, along with MVP.
  • Along with advisors, look over and approve everything posted on the Instagram account (@sh.salty).
  • Develop and carry out fundraising opportunities for the youth group.
  • Be a role model for other teens within the synagogue. 
  • The President is expected to attend 90% of all youth group events, meaning they may be absent for one event and one board meeting throughout the school year (certain absences, such as illness, are not included in this quota).

Return to the board position list at the top.


ELIGIBILITY: This role is occupied by the most recent Past President that has “retired” from the President role in the prior year. 


  • Take an active role in helping to design and run the Board Retreat for incoming board members.
  • Support the President, especially in the beginning of the year.
  • Be willing to step in and help with some of the presidential responsibilities throughout the year. 
  • Take the place of the President to represent the youth on committees (if appointed by the President and/or if the President is unable to make a meeting).
  • The Past President is expected to attend 75% of all youth group events, meaning they may be absent for two events and two board meetings throughout the school year (certain absences, such as illness, are not included in this quota). 
  • Be a role model for other teens within the synagogue. 

Return to the board position list at the top.

Programming Vice-President

CONTACT: Email the current officeholder at

ELIGIBILITY: The Programming Vice-President must have been an active member of the youth group during the prior school year. Eligible candidates must be rising 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th graders who are committed to enrolling in JET or Confirmation during the current school year, or have completed Confirmation.


  • Attend and participate in youth group board meetings (1x/month).
  • Serve as President at meetings or events, if the President is absent, or if the President resigns.
  • Establish 3-4 personal leadership goals with the advisors for growth and development.
  • Plan and implement the year’s social and educational programming (about one event per month). The only events not mainly planned by the PVP are as follows: social action events (SAVP), fundraisers (Treasurer), and events that are strongly centered around religion such as Shabbat Dinners or SALTY Services (RCVP). PVP still supports all event planning.
  • Be a role model for other teens within the synagogue.
  • The Programming Vice-President is expected to attend 90% of all youth group events, meaning they may be absent for one event and one board meeting throughout the school year (certain absences, such as illness, are not included in this quota).

Return to the board position list at the top.

Membership Vice-President

CONTACT: Email the current officeholder at

ELIGIBILITY: The Membership Vice-President must have been an active member of the youth group during the prior school year. Eligible candidates must be rising 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th graders who are committed to enrolling in JET or Confirmation during the current school year, or have completed Confirmation.


  • Attend and participate in youth group board meetings (1x/month).
  • In the event of the absence of the CVP, the MVP will serve as secretary (taking notes) during the meetings.
  • Represent the overall membership of the youth group at board meetings. 
  • Establish 3-4 personal leadership goals with the advisors for growth and development.
  • Work with the Member-At-Large – 7th & 8th Grade Representative and Member-At-Large – 9th & 10th Grade Representative in reaching out to members and promoting upcoming events.
  • Use a multitude of ways to reach out, including: emails, phone calls, word of mouth, texts, and Instagram.
  • Be a role model for other teens within the synagogue.
  • The Membership Vice-President is expected to attend 90% of all youth group events, meaning they may be absent for one event and one board meeting throughout the school year (certain absences, such as illness, are not included in this quota).  

Return to the board position list at the top.

Communications Vice-President

CONTACT: Email the current officeholder at

ELIGIBILITY: The Communications Vice-President must have been an active member of the youth group during the prior school year. Eligible candidates must be rising 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th graders who are committed to enrolling in JET or Confirmation during the current school year, or have completed Confirmation.


  • Attend and participate in youth group board meetings (1x/month).
  • Establish 3-4 personal leadership goals with the advisors for growth and development.
  • Be responsible for keeping records of all meetings.
  • Oversee advertisements connected with youth group activities and events, and work with MVP to promote each event.
  • Be in charge of actively seeking out the information for each event, and sharing it with the board and the members of SALTY.
  • Help recruit new members and promote upcoming events with the MVP and the Members at Large.
  • Be in charge of publicizing the Instagram account (@sh.salty).
  • Use a multitude of ways to reach out, including: emails, phone calls, word of mouth, texts, and Instagram.  
  • Be a role model for other teens within the synagogue.
  • The Communications Vice-President is expected to attend 90% of all youth group events, meaning they may be absent for one event and one board meeting throughout the school year (certain absences, such as illness, are not included in this quota).

Return to the board position list at the top.

Religious and Cultural Vice-President

CONTACT: Email the current officeholder at

ELIGIBILITY: The Religious and Cultural Vice-President must have been an active member of the youth group during the prior school year. Eligible candidates must be rising 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th graders who have had a B'nai Mitzvah prior to the beginning of the school year and are committed to enrolling in JET or Confirmation during the current school year, or have completed Confirmation.


  • Attend and participate in young group board meetings (1x/month).
  • 2-3x a year, at SALTY board meetings, create a brief D’var Torah to infuse the sacred work of the board with a Jewish lens.
  • Establish 3-4 personal leadership goals with the advisors for growth and development.
  • Plan and implement, in partnership with clergy, the parallel High Holy Day programs for teens on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
  • Plan and implement one additional program of religious and/or cultural nature (i.e., Hanukkah celebration, Chocolate Seder, SALTY Shabbat, etc.).
  • Responsible for finding “tie back” to Judaism in each event.
  • RCVP is responsible for the ritual and “cultural” components of every SALTY event. This includes planning and leading Havdalah or Shabbat services, and/or incorporating educational components related to the theme of the event.
  • Be a role model for other teens within the synagogue.
  • The Religious and Cultural Vice-President is expected to attend 90% of all youth group events, meaning they may be absent for one event and one board meeting throughout the school year (certain absences, such as illness, are not included in this quota).

Return to the board position list at the top.

Social Action Vice-President

CONTACT: Email the current officeholder at

ELIGIBILITY: The Social Action Vice-President must have been an active member of the youth group during the prior school year. Eligible candidates must be rising 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th graders who are committed to enrolling in JET or Confirmation during the current school year, or have completed Confirmation.


  • Attend and participate in youth group board meetings (1x/month).
  • Establish 3-4 personal leadership goals with the advisors for growth and development.
  • Plan and implement two social action events during the year: one event to support the Shir Hadash community, and one to support the greater San Jose area community.
  • Work with the CVP, MVP, and Members at Large to create awareness for the teen population at Shir Hadash, and to publicize the event.
  • Be a role model for other teens within the synagogue.  
  • The Social Action Vice-President is expected to attend 90% of all youth group events, meaning they may be absent for one event and one board meeting throughout the school year  (certain absences, such as illness, are not included in this quota). 

Return to the board position list at the top.


CONTACT: Email the current officeholder at

ELIGIBILITY: The Treasurer must have been an active member of the youth group during the prior school year. Eligible candidates must be rising 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th graders who are committed to enrolling in JET or Confirmation during the current school year, or have completed Confirmation. 


  • Attend and participate in youth group board meetings (1x/month).
  • Establish 3-4 personal leadership goals with the advisors for growth and development.
  • Create a spreadsheet and keep it updated with all the ways SALTY will be gaining revenue and spending money.
  • Plan and lead at least 1 fundraiser throughout the year (ex: Bake Sales, Babysitting).
  • Give monthly reports to the SALTY board. 
  • Work with advisors on finding opportunities to gain financial support from other groups within Shir Hadash (ex: Men’s Club, Sisterhood), which may include attending meetings or giving reports.
  • The Treasurer is expected to attend 90% of all youth group events, meaning they may be absent for one event and one board meeting throughout the school year (certain absences, such as illness, are not included in this quota).

Return to the board position list at the top.

Member at Large - 9-10th Grade Representative

CONTACT: Email the current officeholder at

ELIGIBILITY: The Member-at-Large – 9th & 10th Grade Representative must have been an active participant in the youth group during the school year. Eligible candidates must be rising 9th or 10th graders who are committed to enrolling in JET or Confirmation during the current school year.


  • Attend and participate in youth group board meetings (1x/month).
  • Establish 3-4 personal leadership goals with the advisors for growth and development.
  • Help recruit new members, particularly students in 9th and 10th grade, and promote upcoming events.  
  • Main yearly goal is to assist MVP with recruitment efforts.
  • Assist in identifying emerging leaders and in forming committees.
  • Be a role model for other teens within the synagogue. 
  • The Member-at-Large – 9th & 10th Grade is expected to attend 90% of all youth group events, meaning they may be absent for one event and one board meeting throughout the school year (certain absences, such as illness, are not included in this quota).

Return to the board position list at the top.

Member at Large - 7-8th Grade Representative

CONTACT: Email the current officeholder at

ELIGIBILITY: The Member-at-Large – 7th & 8th Grade Representative must have been an active participant in the youth group during the prior school year. Eligible candidates must be rising 8th graders who are committed to enrolling in JET during the current school year.


  • Attend and participate in youth group board meetings (1x/month).
  • Establish 3-4 personal leadership goals with the advisors for growth and development.
  • Help recruit new members, particularly students in 7th and 8th grade, and promote upcoming events.  
  • Main yearly goal is to assist MVP with recruitment efforts. 
  • Assist in identifying emerging leaders and in forming committees.
  • Be a role model for other teens within the synagogue. 
  • The Member-At-Large – 7th & 8th Grade Representative is expected to attend 90% of all youth group events, meaning they may be absent for one event and one board meeting throughout the school year (certain absences, such as illness, are not included in this quota).

Return to the board position list at the top.

Return to the SALTY Youth Group main page.

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Sh'vat 5785